東京タロット美術館 特別企画

レティシア・バルビエ × 鏡リュウジ(通訳)

Babel Polyphony: On Tarot, Language and Forgotten Iconography.

2025年2月21日(金) February 21, 2025






Babel Polyphony: On Tarot, Language and Forgotten Iconography.

In his 1973 novel, The Castle of Crossed Destinies, Italian author Italo Calvino relates the tale of a group of travelers who, having lost their voice, re-articulate their life stories with the help of Tarot cards, using the 15th Century Visconti-Sforza deck. Morphed into a new visual dialect with 78 words of vocabulary, Calvino’s novel beautifully exemplifies how Tarot’s evocative power transcends speech and helps us formulate new ways to communicate who we are. Although Tarot was invented as a card game during the Renaissance, we tend to associate it with divination and as an introspective tool. Yet, if cards are meant to be read, one can wonder what language it is that they ultimately speak? Like any other form of communication with a 600 years history span, the way we understand the Major Arcana has evolved, being reinvented from one generation to the next.

In this talk, Laetitia Barbier will show Tarot as a visual culture in motion, by looking at it through the lens of art history, iconology and pop culture. If images barely change, what we read in them does. By looking at the example of the Hanged Man, we’ll be conjuring the accidental scholarship of Hannibal Lecter, crime and punishment in Renaissance Italy, Saint Sebastian—and. why not, Hello Kitty!–to show how Tarot’s subjectivity ultimately helps us find our unique voice and reclaim our own narrative.

日時 2025年2月21日(金)18:30~20:30
開場18:00 ※18:20までに受付をお済ませいただけますようお願いいたします。
場所 東京タロット美術館
参加費 会場参加:10,000円

定員 会場定員16名

  • Laetitia Barbier レティシア・バルビエ

    2009年にパリ・ソルボンヌ大学で美術史の学士号を取得。2012年から2024年までニューヨークのMorbid Anatomyにてプログラムディレクター、ヘッドライブラリアン、キュレーターを歴任。
    2021年には著書『Tarot and Divination Cards: A Visual Archive「タロットと占術カードの世界:起源から21世紀まで」』を発表。
    また、象徴主義アーティスト、Lori Fieldによる「Tiger Tarot」のガイドブックを執筆。
    近年ではフランスの名門カードメーカー、Grimaud社と共同で、1930年代のマルセイユ版タロットやBelline Oracleの復刻にも携わる。
    講演やカードリーディングの経験は多岐にわたり、ニューヨーク公立図書館、ロンドンのCollege of Psychic Studies、Fotografiska NYなど、数々の文化施設で活動。

    French-born Laetitia Barbier is an independent scholar, as well as a professional tarot reader and teacher. She earned a Bachelor's Degree in Art History from La Sorbonne University Paris in 2009. Laetitia has worked with Morbid Anatomy from 2012 to 2024 as a programming director, head librarian, and occasional curator. Her book Tarot and Divination Cards: A Visual Archive was published in 2021 with a foreword by Rachel Pollack. She is the author of the Tiger Tarot Guide Book, a unique Tarot deck by symbolist artist Lori Field. As a writer and scholar, she has the privilege of collaborating with the iconic French maître-cartier Grimaud, notably on the exquisite re-release of their 1930s Tarot de Marseille and Belline Oracle.
    Laetitia has lectured, taught and read cards for various cultural institutions, such as Greenwood Cemetery, Artyard, Fotografiska NY, the College of Psychic Studies in London or the New York Public Library. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.